1. package GuardDevilUnbreakable
  2. import DamageType
  3. import StructuredDD
  4. import ClosureTimers
  5. import Players
  6. import Invulnerable
  7. constant int ID_GUARD_DEVIL = 'h03B'
  8. constant int ID_GUARD_DEVIL_GREATER = 'h03C'
  9. constant int ID_ABILITY_UNBREAKABLE = 'A01W'
  10. constant int ID_ABILITY_UNBREAKA_CD = 'A01X'
  11. constant int ID_INVULNERABLE = 'Avul'
  12. constant real RADIUS = 600.
  13. constant real DURATION = 1.
  14. constant real COOLDOWN = 60.
  15. constant string SHIELD_FX = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\DivineShield\\DivineShieldTarget.mdl"
  16. group grp = CreateGroup()
  17. function isGuardDevil(unit u) returns bool
  18. return u.getTypeId() == ID_GUARD_DEVIL or u.getTypeId() == ID_GUARD_DEVIL_GREATER
  19. end
  20. function findUnbreakable(unit u) returns unit
  21. unit guard = null
  22. unit iter
  23. grp.enumUnitsInRange(vec2(u.getX(), u.getY()), RADIUS)
  24. loop
  25. iter = FirstOfGroup(grp)
  26. exitwhen iter == null
  27. if iter.isAlive() and isGuardDevil(iter) and iter.hasAbility(ID_ABILITY_UNBREAKABLE)
  28. guard = iter
  29. end
  30. grp.removeUnit(iter)
  31. end
  32. return guard
  33. end
  34. function h()
  35. unit tU = GetTriggerUnit()
  36. real damage = GetEventDamage()
  37. if tU.getOwner().getId() < Players.COUNT and DamageType.get() == DamageType.ATTACK and (tU.getHP() - damage < 1.) and not tU.hasAbility(ID_INVULNERABLE)
  38. unit unbreakableSource = findUnbreakable(tU)
  39. if unbreakableSource != null
  40. Invulnerable.apply(tU, DURATION)
  41. unbreakableSource.removeAbility(ID_ABILITY_UNBREAKABLE)
  42. unbreakableSource.addAbility( ID_ABILITY_UNBREAKA_CD)
  43. effect shield = tU.addEffect(SHIELD_FX, "origin")
  44. doAfter(DURATION, () -> begin
  45. shield.destr()
  46. end)
  47. doAfter(COOLDOWN, () -> begin
  48. unbreakableSource.addAbility( ID_ABILITY_UNBREAKABLE)
  49. unbreakableSource.removeAbility(ID_ABILITY_UNBREAKA_CD)
  50. end)
  51. end
  52. end
  53. end
  54. init
  55. StructuredDD.addHandler(function h)
  56. end

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