#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
extern "C" {
#include <libavcodec / avcodec.h>
#include <libavformat / avformat.h>
#include <libavformat / avio.h>
#include <libswscale / swscale.h>
#define log( msg ) std::wcout << L"[ FFmpegRTSP ] " << msg << std::endl << std::flush
#define logError( msg ) std:: wcout << L"[ Error ][ FFmpegRTSP ] " << msg << std::endl << std::flush
AVFormatContext * avFormatContext = nullptr;
SwsContext * swsContext = nullptr;
AVCodecContext * avCodecContext;
AVCodec * codec = nullptr;
int frameCount = 0;
void writePPM( AVFrame * frameRGB, int fileSuffix ) {
std::stringstream file_name;
std::ofstream output_file;
file_name << "test" << fileSuffix << ".ppm";
output_file.open( file_name.str() .c_str()) ;
output_file << "P3 " << avCodecContext - >width << " " << avCodecContext - >height
<< " 255\n";
for( int y = 0; y < avCodecContext - >height; y +  +  ) {
for( int x = 0; x < avCodecContext - >width * 3; x +  +  ) {
<<( int )( frameRGB - >data[ 0 ]
+ y * frameRGB - >linesize[ 0 ] )[ x ] << " ";
output_file.close() ;
int main( int argc, char *  * argv ) {
avFormatContext = avformat_alloc_context() ;
if( avformat_open_input( &avFormatContext, "rtsp:  //  admin:123456@",
     NULL, NULL ) != 0 ) {
     logError( "Failed to open Stream" ) ;
     return EXIT_FAILURE;
     if( avformat_find_stream_info( avFormatContext, NULL ) < 0 ) {
          return EXIT_FAILURE;
          int videoStreamIndex =  - 1;
          for( int i = 0; i < avFormatContext - >nb_streams; i +  +  ) {
          if( avFormatContext - >streams[ i ] - >codec - >codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ) {
               videoStreamIndex = i;
               if( videoStreamIndex ==  - 1 ) {
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
                    av_read_play( avFormatContext ) ;
                    codec = avcodec_find_decoder( AV_CODEC_ID_H264 ) ;
                    if( !codec ) {
                         logError( "H264 codec not found, compile FFmpeg with libopenh264 or libx264" ) ;
                         return EXIT_FAILURE;
                         avCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3( codec ) ;
                         avcodec_get_context_defaults3( avCodecContext, codec ) ;
                         avcodec_copy_context( avCodecContext, avFormatContext - >streams[ videoStreamIndex ] - >codec ) ;
                         if( avcodec_open2( avCodecContext, codec, NULL ) != 0 ) {
                              logError( "Failed to open codec" ) ;
                              return EXIT_FAILURE;
                              int width = avCodecContext - >width;
                              int height = avCodecContext - >height;
                              swsContext = sws_getContext( width, height, avCodecContext - >pix_fmt, width,
                              height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ;
                              AVFrame * frame = av_frame_alloc() ;
                              frame - >format = avCodecContext - >pix_fmt;
                              frame - >width = width;
                              frame - >height = height;
                              av_frame_get_buffer( frame, 0 ) ;
                              AVFrame * frameRGB = av_frame_alloc() ;
                              frameRGB - >format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
                              frameRGB - >width = width;
                              frameRGB - >height = height;
                              av_frame_get_buffer( frameRGB, 0 ) ;
                              AVPacket packet;
                              av_init_packet( &packet ) ;
                              while( av_read_frame( avFormatContext, &packet ) > = 0 && frameCount < 1000 ) {
                              if( packet.stream_index == videoStreamIndex ) {
                                   int gotFrame = 0;
                                   packet.stream_index = frameCount;
                                   int result = avcodec_decode_video2( avCodecContext, frame, &gotFrame, &packet ) ;
                                   if( frameCount % 100 == 1 && gotFrame ) {
                                        sws_scale( swsContext, frame - >data, frame - >linesize, 0,
                                        avCodecContext - >height, frameRGB - >data, frameRGB - >linesize ) ;
                                        writePPM( frameRGB, frameCount ) ;
                                        frameCount +  + ;
                                        av_free_packet( &packet ) ;
                                        av_init_packet( &packet ) ;
                                        av_frame_free( &frame ) ;
                                        av_frame_free( &frameRGB ) ;
                                        av_read_pause( avFormatContext ) ;
                                        avcodec_free_context( &avCodecContext ) ;
                                        avformat_free_context( avFormatContext ) ;
                                        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

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