- <?php
- class GuiParser
- {
- var $output_style = "html";
- var $symbols = array(
- "Wait" => "wait",
- "Set" => "set",
- "KI" => "ki",
- "AI" => "ki",
- "--------" => "comment",
- "Animation" => "animation",
- "Kamera" => "cam",
- "Camera" => "cam",
- "Video" => "cam",
- "Cinematic" => "cam",
- "Countdown-Timer" => "timer",
- "CountdownTimer" => "timer",
- "Time" => "timer",
- "Zeit" => "timer",
- "Zerstörbar" => "destructable",
- "Destructible" => "destructable",
- "Zerstörbar" => "destructable",
- "Dialog" => "dialog",
- "Umgebung" => "environment",
- "Spiel-Cache" => "set",
- "GameCache" => "set",
- "Held" => "hero",
- "Hero" => "hero",
- "Gegenstand" => "item",
- "Item" => "item",
- "Bestenliste" => "quest",
- "Leaderboard" => "quest",
- "Nahkampf" => "mellee",
- "Melee" => "mellee",
- "Multiboard" => "quest",
- "Neutral" => "neutral",
- "Spieler" => "player",
- "Player" => "player",
- "Spiel" => "game",
- "Game" => "game",
- "Quest" => "quest",
- "Gebiet" => "rect",
- "Rect" => "rect",
- "Auswahl" => "selection",
- "Selection" => "selection",
- "Sound" => "sound",
- "Spezialeffekt" => "animation",
- "SpecialEffect" => "animation",
- "Einheit" => "unit",
- "Unit" => "unit",
- "unit" => "unit",
- "Sichtbarkeit" => "visibility",
- "Visibility" => "visibility",
- "Ereignisse" => "events",
- "Events" => "events",
- "Bedingungen" => "cond",
- "Conditions" => "cond",
- "Aktionen" => "actions",
- "Actions" => "actions",
- "Foreach" => "struct",
- "Schleifen-Aktionen" => "actions",
- "Loop-Actions" => "actions",
- "'IF'" => "cond",
- "If-Conditions" => "cond",
- "'THEN'" => "actions",
- "Then-Actions" => "actions",
- "'ELSE'" => "actions",
- "Else-Actions" => "actions",
- "If" => "struct",
- "Spielergruppe" => "force",
- "PlayerGroup" => "force",
- "Einheitengruppe" => "group",
- "UnitGroup" => "group",
- );
- //Funktionen für die Ausgabe:
- function make_picture($src)
- {
- if ($this->output_style == "html")
- {
- return '<img alt="X" style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$src.'" />';
- }
- elseif ($this->output_style == "bb")
- {
- $symbolpath = "http://peq.pe.ohost.de/GuiParserPics/";
- if ($src == $symbolpath."joinminus.gif")
- {
- return " ╋ ";
- }
- else if ($src == $symbolpath."line.gif")
- {
- return " ┃ ";
- }
- else if ($src == $symbolpath."join.gif")
- {
- return " ┠ ";
- }
- else if ($src == $symbolpath."joinbottomminus.gif")
- {
- return " ╋ ";
- }
- else if ($src == $symbolpath."joinbottom.gif")
- {
- return " ┗ ";
- }
- else if ($src == $symbolpath."joinbottomminus.gif")
- {
- return " ╋ ";
- }
- else if ($src == $symbolpath."joinminus.gif")
- {
- return " ╋ ";
- }
- else if ($src == $symbolpath."empty.gif")
- {
- return " ";
- }
- return "[img]".$src."[/img]";
- }
- else
- {
- return '';
- }
- }
- function make_finish_line($line)
- {
- if ($this->output_style == "html")
- {
- return "<span>$line</span>";
- }
- elseif ($this->output_style == "bb")
- {
- return trim($line).'<br />
- ';
- }
- else
- {
- return $line;
- }
- }
- function make_linebreak()
- {
- if ($this->output_style == "html")
- {
- return '<br />
- ';
- }
- else
- {
- return '';
- }
- }
- function make_aufklapp_picture($div_id,$src1,$src2)
- {
- if ($this->output_style == "html")
- {
- $result= '<img alt="+" style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$src1.'"
- onclick = \'
- my_node = document.getElementById("'.$div_id.'");
- if ( my_node.style.visibility=="hidden" )
- {
- joinminus = new Image();
- joinminus.src = "'.$src1.'";
- this.src = joinminus.src;
- my_node.style.visibility="inherit";
- my_node.style.position = "static";
- } else {
- joinplus = new Image();
- joinplus.src = "'.$src2.'";
- this.src = joinplus.src;
- my_node.style.visibility="hidden";
- my_node.style.position = "absolute";
- }
- \'
- />';
- return $result;
- }
- elseif ($this->output_style == "bb")
- {
- return $this->make_picture($src1);
- //return "[img]".$src1."[/img]";
- }
- else
- {
- return '';
- }
- }
- function make_block($div_id="")
- {
- if ($this->output_style == "html")
- {
- if ($div_id == "")
- {
- return '<div>';
- }
- else
- {
- return '<div id="'.$div_id.'">';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return '';
- }
- }
- function make_endblock()
- {
- if ($this->output_style == "html")
- {
- return '</div>';
- }
- else
- {
- return '';
- }
- }
- function make_end_text($args, $scroll, $height, $ausgabe)
- {
- $ausgabe2 = '';
- if ($this->output_style == "html")
- {
- $ausgabe2.= '<div style="margin: 5px 20px 20px;">';
- if (isset($args['text']))
- {
- if ($args['text']!='false'){
- $ausgabe2.='<div style="font: 11px verdana, geneva, lucida, \'lucida grande\', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 2px;">
- Trigger:
- </div>';
- }
- }
- $ausgabe2.='<div style="font-family:Tahoma,Arial;font-size:11px;color:#000000; background-color:#FFFFFF; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; border:1px solid #999999;white-space: nowrap; width: 97%;overflow:'.$scroll.'; line-height:10px; height:'.$height.'px;">';
- $ausgabe2.=$ausgabe;
- $ausgabe2.='</div>
- </div>';
- }
- elseif ($this->output_style == "bb")
- {
- $ausgabe2.= '<div style="margin: 5px 20px 20px;">';
- if (isset($args['text']))
- {
- if ($args['text']!='false'){
- $ausgabe2.='<div style="font: 11px verdana, geneva, lucida, \'lucida grande\', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 2px;">Trigger:</div>';
- }
- }
- $ausgabe2.='<textarea style="font-family:Tahoma,Arial;font-size:12px;color:#000000; background-color:#FFFFFF; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; border:1px solid #999999;white-space: nowrap; width: 97%;overflow:'.$scroll.'; height:'.$height.'px;">
- [code]';
- $ausgabe2.=str_replace("<br />", "
- ", $ausgabe);
- $ausgabe2.='
- [/code]</textarea></div>';
- }
- else
- {
- $ausgabe2=$ausgabe;
- }
- return $ausgabe2;
- }
- var $text_line_array;
- var $line_tabs;
- function GuiParser()
- {
- $this->text_line_array = array();
- $this->line_tabs = array();
- }
- function ParseGui($input, $argv = array(), $relativepics = true, $output = "html")
- {
- $this->output_style = $output;
- $picpath = $relativepics ? "GuiParserPics/" : "http://peq.pe.ohost.de/GuiParserPics/";
- return $this->convert_gui($input, $picpath, $argv, "auto");
- }
- //obsolete
- function ParseTrigger($input, $argv)
- {
- return $this->convert_gui($input, "./extensions/GuiParserPics/", $argv = array() , "auto");
- }
- ##--------real code--------
- function fill_line_array($_text)
- {
- $line_start = array();
- $line_end = array();
- $line = 0;
- $pos = 0;
- $line_start[$line] = 0;
- while ($pos = (strpos($_text,"<br />",$pos)))
- {
- $line_end[$line] = $pos;
- $line++;
- $pos+=strlen("<br />");
- $line_start[$line] = $pos+2;
- }
- for ($i=0;$i<=$line+10;$i++)
- {
- if ($line > $i)
- {
- if ($i > 0)
- $this->text_line_array[$i] = rtrim(substr($_text, $line_start[$i], $line_end[$i] - $line_start[$i]));
- else
- $this->text_line_array[$i] = rtrim(substr($_text, $line_start[$i], $line_end[$i] - $line_start[$i]));
- }
- else
- $this->text_line_array[$i] = 0;
- }
- }
- function get_tabs($_text)
- {
- //echo "get_tabs( $_text )<br>";
- $text = $_text;
- $pos = 0;
- $tabs = 0;
- while (substr($text,$pos,4) == " ")
- {
- $pos+=4;
- $tabs++;
- }
- return $tabs;
- }
- function get_line_tabs($_text_line, $line)
- {
- //echo "get_line_tabs( $line )<br>";
- if ( ! isset($this->line_tabs[$line]))
- {
- //$line_tabs[$line] = get_tabs(get_line($_text,$line));
- $this->line_tabs[$line] = $this->get_tabs($_text_line[$line]);
- }
- return $this->line_tabs[$line];
- }
- function get_intended($_text_line,$linenr,$offset)
- {
- //echo "get_intended( $linenr, $offset)<br>";
- return $this->get_line_tabs($_text_line,$linenr) - $this->get_line_tabs($_text_line,$linenr + $offset);
- }
- function get_type($_text)
- {
- //echo "get_type ( $_text )<br>";
- $text = str_replace(" ","",$_text);
- //echo $text."<br>";
- //echo 'get_type( '.$text." )<br>";
- if ((substr($text,0,10) == "Ereignisse") || (substr($text,0,6) == "Events"))
- {
- return 1;
- }
- else if ((substr($text,0,11) == "Bedingungen") || (substr($text,0,10) == "Conditions"))
- {
- return 2;
- }
- else if ((substr($text,0,8) == "Aktionen") || (substr($text,0,7) == "Actions"))
- {
- return 3;
- }
- else if (substr($text,0,7) == "Foreach")
- {
- return 4;
- }
- else if ((substr($text,0,18) == "Schleifen-Aktionen") || (substr($text,0,12) == "Loop-Actions"))
- {
- return 5;
- }
- else if ((substr($text,0,4) == "'IF'") || (substr($text,0,13) == "If-Conditions"))
- {
- return 7;
- }
- else if ((substr($text,0,6) == "'THEN'") || (substr($text,0,12) == "Then-Actions"))
- {
- return 8;
- }
- else if ((substr($text,0,6) == "'ELSE'") || (substr($text,0,12) == "Else-Actions"))
- {
- return 9;
- }
- else if (substr($text,0,2) == "If")
- {
- return 6;
- }
- else if ((substr($text,0,13) == "Spielergruppe") || (substr($text,0,11) == "PlayerGroup"))
- {
- return 10;
- }
- else if ((substr($text,0,15) == "Einheitengruppe") || (substr($text,0,9) == "UnitGroup"))
- {
- return 11;
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- function get_symbol($_text)
- {
- $text = str_replace(" ","",$_text);
- $result = "page";
- foreach (array_keys($this->symbols) as $symbol_key)
- {
- if ((substr($text,0,strlen($symbol_key)) == $symbol_key ))
- {
- $result = $this->symbols[$symbol_key];
- break;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function convert_gui($_trigger, $symbolpath, $args = array(), $arg_noheader = "auto" )
- {
- //Hier die maximale Höhe eintragen :
- $max_height = 400;
- $trigger = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(trim($_trigger)))."<br />";
- $trigger = str_replace("\'","'",$trigger);
- $ausgabe = '';
- $source = '';
- $noheader = (isset($args['noheader'])) ? 2 : $arg_noheader;
- $header = ($noheader==0) ? 1 : 0;
- $open_divs = 0;
- $bedingungen = -1;
- $blocks2close = 0;
- $nextlinecode = '';
- $trigger_name = "";
- $intend_line = array();
- //$line_tabs = array();
- //$text_line_array = array();
- $this->fill_line_array($trigger);
- if ($arg_noheader = "auto")
- {
- if ((trim($this->text_line_array[1]) == 'Ereignisse') || (trim($this->text_line_array[1]) == 'Events'))
- {
- $noheader = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- $noheader = 0;
- }
- $header = ($noheader==0) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- for ($i=0;$i<=10;$i++) $intend_line[$i]=0;
- $line_nr = 0;
- while ($line = $this->text_line_array[$line_nr])
- {
- //echo $line;
- if ($nextlinecode != '')
- {
- $ausgabe.=$nextlinecode;
- $nextlinecode='';
- }
- //$ausgabe.=$this->make_begin_line();//'<span>';
- $ausgabe_line = '';
- $tabs = $this->get_line_tabs($this->text_line_array,$line_nr);
- //echo $tabs;
- if ($bedingungen != -1)
- {
- if ($this->get_line_tabs($this->text_line_array,$line_nr) <= $bedingungen)
- {
- $bedingungen = -1;
- }
- }
- if (($tabs == 0) && ($header == 0) )
- {
- if (($line != "Ereignisse") && ($line != "Bedingungen") && ($line != "Aktionen") && ($line != "no_header"))
- {
- $ausgabe_line.= $this->make_picture($symbolpath.'base.gif'); //'<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'base.gif">';
- $ausgabe_line.=$line;
- //$ausgabe_line.='<br>';
- $header ++;
- $trigger_name = $line;
- }
- else
- {
- if ($line == "Bedingungen")
- {
- $bedingungen=$tabs;
- }
- if ($line != "no_header")
- $line_nr--;
- else
- $noheader = 1;
- $header++;
- }
- } else {
- for ($i=1+($trigger_name != "" ? 1 : 0 );$i<=$this->get_line_tabs($this->text_line_array,$line_nr);$i++)
- {
- //Einrückungen
- if ($intend_line[$i])
- {
- $ausgabe_line.= $this->make_picture($symbolpath.'line.gif');//'<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'line.gif">';
- }
- else
- {
- $ausgabe_line.= $this->make_picture($symbolpath.'empty.gif');//'<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'empty.gif">';
- }
- }
- if ($this->get_intended($this->text_line_array,$line_nr,1) == 0)
- {
- //keine Einrückungen
- $ausgabe_line.=$this->make_picture($symbolpath.'join.gif');//'<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'join.gif">';
- }
- else if ($this->get_intended($this->text_line_array,$line_nr,1) == -1)
- {
- //Einrüclung nach rechts
- $a=1;
- $intended_lines = 0;
- while ($this->get_intended($this->text_line_array,$line_nr,$a)<0) $a++;
- if (($this->get_intended($this->text_line_array,$line_nr,$a)==0) && ($this->text_line_array[$a]!="") )
- {
- $intended_lines++;
- $intend_line[$tabs+1]=1;
- }
- else
- {
- $intend_line[$tabs+1]=0;
- }
- if ($intended_lines > 0)
- {
- //$ausgabe_line.='<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'joinminus.gif">';
- $div_id = uniqid("block_") ;
- $src1 = ''.$symbolpath.'joinminus.gif';
- $src2 = ''.$symbolpath.'joinplus.gif';
- $ausgabe_line.=$this->make_aufklapp_picture($div_id,$src1,$src2);
- $nextlinecode.=$this->make_block($div_id);//'<div id="'.$div_id.'">';
- $open_divs++;
- }
- else
- {
- //$ausgabe_line.='<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'joinbottomminus.gif">';
- $div_id = uniqid("block_") ;
- $src1 = ''.$symbolpath.'joinbottomminus.gif';
- $src2 = ''.$symbolpath.'joinbottomplus.gif';
- $ausgabe_line.=$this->make_aufklapp_picture($div_id,$src1,$src2);
- $nextlinecode.=$this->make_block($div_id);//'<div id="'.$div_id.'">';
- $open_divs++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Ende einer Einrückung
- $ausgabe_line.=$this->make_picture($symbolpath.'joinbottom.gif');//'<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'joinbottom.gif">';
- $intend_line[$tabs]=0;
- $blocks2close = $this->get_intended($this->text_line_array,$line_nr,1);
- //$ausgabe_line.=$blocks2close;
- }
- $line_type = $this->get_type(trim($line));
- if ($line_type == 2 )
- {
- $ausgabe_line.=$this->make_picture($symbolpath.'cond.gif');//'<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'cond.gif">';
- if ($bedingungen == -1)
- {
- $bedingungen=$tabs;
- }
- }
- else if ($line_type == 7 )
- {
- $ausgabe_line.=$this->make_picture($symbolpath.'cond.gif');//'<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'cond.gif">';
- if ($bedingungen == -1)
- {
- $bedingungen=$tabs;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Aktion
- if ($bedingungen == -1)
- {
- $ausgabe_line.=$this->make_picture($symbolpath.$this->get_symbol(trim($line)).'.gif');//'<img style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.$this->get_symbol(trim($line)).'.gif">';
- }
- else
- {
- $ausgabe_line.=$this->make_picture($symbolpath.'struct.gif');//'<img style="border: 0px;vertical-align: middle;" src="'.$symbolpath.'struct.gif">';
- }
- }
- $ausgabe_line.=trim($line);
- //$ausgabe_line.='<br>';
- }
- //$ausgabe.=$this->make_end_line();
- $ausgabe.=$this->make_finish_line($ausgabe_line);
- if ((($line_nr != 0) && ($noheader==1)) || ($noheader!=1))
- {
- $ausgabe.=$this->make_linebreak();//"<br />";
- }
- $ausgabe.='
- ';
- for ($c=0;$c<$blocks2close;$c++)
- {
- if ($open_divs > 0)
- {
- //$ausgabe.="\r\n</div>";
- $ausgabe.=$this->make_endblock();//"</div>";
- $open_divs--;
- }
- }
- $blocks2close = 0;
- $line_nr++;
- }
- #fixed the Unicode-Bug with german letters
- //egal, was ich mache - wenn ich einen Auslöser aus dem Editor irgendwo hin kopiere werden die Sonderzeichen falsch angezeigt
- //ich nehm den Teil deshalb wieder rein, damit man nicht jedes mal von Hand die Umlaute ändern muss
- //da wohl kaum einer in nem Trigger "Ä" schreibt, wird es auch keinen stören
- //Außerdem denk ich, dass das Problem nicht nur bei mir auftritt, da man auch im inWarcraft-Forum immer wirder diese Zeichen sieht.
- // mfg peq
- $ausgabe = str_replace("ä","ä",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("ö","ö",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("ü","ü",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("Ä","Ä",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("Ö","Ö",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("Ãœ","Ü",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("ß","ß",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("Ä","Ä",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("Ö","Ö",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("Ãœ","Ü",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("ß","ß",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("\r","",$ausgabe);
- $ausgabe = str_replace("\n","",$ausgabe);
- //Höhe :
- $height = 16*($line_nr - (($noheader==0) ? 0 : 1));
- //für den Internet-Explorer:
- $height += 20;
- if ($height>$max_height)
- {
- $height = $max_height;
- $scroll = 'auto';
- }
- else
- {
- //$scroll='auto';
- $scroll = 'auto';
- }
- $ausgabe2 = $this->make_end_text($args, $scroll, $height, $ausgabe);
- return $ausgabe2;
- }
- }
- ?>
select language
select style
goto line: