- <?
- require_once 'mysql_cfg.php';
- require_once('code_css.php');
- class languagedata
- {
- var $case_sensitive = true;
- var $elements_in_array = array();
- var $elements_in_array_by_len = array();
- var $elements_until_end = array();
- var $elements_start_to_end = array();
- var $elements_start_to_end_escape = array();
- var $elements_until_end_first = array();
- var $elements_start_to_end_first = array();
- var $elements_start_to_end_escape_first = array();
- var $elements_regexp = array();
- var $shorts;
- var $delimiters = array();
- function cs($element)
- {
- if (!$this->case_sensitive)
- {
- return strtolower($element);
- }
- else
- {
- return $element;
- }
- }
- // +set
- function add_element_in_array($element, $tag)
- {
- $element = $this->cs($element);
- $this->elements_in_array[$element] = $tag;
- $this->elements_in_array_by_len[strlen($element)][$element] = $tag;
- }
- function add_element_until_end($element, $tag)
- {
- $element = $this->cs($element);
- $this->elements_until_end[$element] = $tag;
- $this->elements_until_end_first[$element[0]][$element] = $tag;
- }
- function add_element_start_to_end($element_start, $element_end, $tag)
- {
- $element_start = $this->cs($element_start);
- $element_end = $this->cs($element_end);
- $this->elements_start_to_end[$element_start] = array('TAG' => $tag,'START' => $element_start, 'END' => $element_end);
- $this->elements_start_to_end_first[$element_start[0]][$element_start] = array('TAG' => $tag,'START' => $element_start, 'END' => $element_end);
- }
- function add_element_start_to_end_escape($element_start, $element_end, $escape, $tag)
- {
- $element_start = $this->cs($element_start);
- $element_end = $this->cs($element_end);
- $this->elements_start_to_end_escape[$element_start] = array('TAG' => $tag,'START' => $element_start, 'END' => $element_end, 'ESCAPE' => $escape);
- $this->elements_start_to_end_escape_first[$element_start[0]][$element_start] = array('TAG' => $tag,'START' => $element_start, 'END' => $element_end, 'ESCAPE' => $escape);
- }
- function add_element_regexp($element, $tag)
- {
- $this->elements_regexp[$element] = $tag;
- }
- // -set
- function get_element_in_array_tag($element)
- {
- $element = $this->cs($element);
- if (isset($this->elements_in_array[$element]))
- {
- return $this->elements_in_array[$element];
- }
- return false;
- }
- function get_element_in_array_tag_fast($element, $len)
- {
- $element = $this->cs($element);
- if (isset($this->elements_in_array_by_len[$len][$element]))
- {
- return $this->elements_in_array_by_len[$len][$element];
- }
- return false;
- }
- function get_element_until_end_tag($element)
- {
- $element = $this->cs($element);
- if (isset($this->elements_until_end[$element]))
- {
- return $this->elements_until_end[$element];
- }
- return false;
- }
- function get_element_start_to_end_tag($element)
- {
- $element = $this->cs($element);
- if (isset($this->elements_start_to_end[$element]))
- {
- return $this->elements_start_to_end[$element];
- }
- return false;
- }
- var $regexp_count = 0;
- function get_element_regexp_tag($element)
- {
- foreach ($this->elements_regexp as $regexp => $tag)
- {
- if (preg_match($regexp, $element))
- {
- return $tag;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function is_delimiter($element)
- {
- if (isset($this->delimiters[$element]))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function debug_print()
- {
- echo "<pre>";
- echo "<h3>delimiters</h3>";
- print_r($this->delimiters);
- echo "<h3>elements_in_array</h3>";
- print_r($this->elements_in_array);
- echo "<h3>elements_in_array_by_len</h3>";
- print_r($this->elements_in_array_by_len);
- echo "<h3>elements_until_end</h3>";
- print_r($this->elements_until_end);
- echo "<h3>elements_start_to_end</h3>";
- print_r($this->elements_start_to_end);
- echo "<h3>elements_regexp</h3>";
- print_r($this->elements_regexp);
- echo "</pre><hr />";
- }
- function load_array($a)
- {
- //load delimiters
- $this->delimiters = array_flip($a['DELIMITERS']);
- unset($a['DELIMITERS']);
- if (isset($a['CASE_SENSITIVE']))
- {
- $this->case_sensitive = !(!$a['CASE_SENSITIVE']);
- unset($a['CASE_SENSITIVE']);
- }
- //loop through all tags...
- foreach ($a as $tag => $e0)
- {
- foreach ($e0 as $e)
- {
- if ($e['TYPE'] == 'IN_ARRAY')
- {
- //loop through all array elemnts...
- foreach ($e['ARRAY'] as $element)
- {
- $this->add_element_in_array($element, $tag);
- }
- }
- elseif ($e['TYPE'] == 'UNTIL_END')
- {
- $this->add_element_until_end($e['START'], $tag);
- }
- elseif ($e['TYPE'] == 'REGEXP')
- {
- $this->add_element_regexp($e['REGEXP'], $tag);
- }
- elseif ($e['TYPE'] == 'START_TO_END')
- {
- $this->add_element_start_to_end($e['START'], $e['END'], $tag);
- }
- elseif ($e['TYPE'] == 'START_TO_END_ESCAPE')
- {
- $this->add_element_start_to_end_escape($e['START'], $e['END'], $e['ESCAPE'], $tag);
- }
- else
- {
- echo "Corrupted Language-Data-Array. Error in line ". __LINE__;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- class highlightstyle
- {
- var $styles = array();
- function get_style($tag)
- {
- if (isset($this->styles[$tag]))
- {
- return $this->styles[$tag];
- }
- return '%%';
- }
- function create_styled_text ($text, $tag)
- {
- $style = $this->get_style($tag);
- $text2=$text;
- $text2 = str_replace("<","<",$text2);
- $text2 = str_replace(">",">",$text2);
- //$text2 = str_replace(" "," ",$text2);
- return str_replace('%%', $text2, $style);
- }
- function create_styled_text_raw ($text, $tag)
- {
- $style = $this->get_style($tag);
- $text2=$text;
- //$text2 = str_replace("<","<",$text2);
- //$text2 = str_replace(">",">",$text2);
- //$text2 = str_replace(" "," ",$text2);
- return str_replace('%%', $text2, $style);
- }
- function load_array($a)
- {
- $this->styles = $a;
- }
- }
- class codehighlighter
- {
- var $lines;
- function codehighlighter($lines)
- {
- $this->lines = $lines;
- }
- function insert_highlight($line, $from, $to, $hl_start = '<span class="highlight">', $hl_end = '</span>')
- {
- //echo "<br /><br />$from - $to ".htmlspecialchars($line)." <br />\n";
- //return $line;
- $result = '';
- $intag = false;
- $hl = false;
- $ignore_next = false;
- $add_start = false;
- $pos = 0;
- $real_pos = 0;
- $len = strlen($line);
- $c = "";
- while ($pos < $len)
- {
- $c = $line[$pos];
- if ($intag)
- {
- if ($c == ">")
- {
- $intag = false;
- if ($hl)
- {
- $add_start = true;
- //$result.= $hl_start;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ($c == "<")
- {
- $intag = true;
- if (($real_pos == $to))
- {
- $result.=$hl_end;
- $hl=false;
- }
- else if ($hl)
- {
- if (!$ignore_next)
- {
- $result.= $hl_end;
- }
- $ignore_next = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (($real_pos == $from))
- {
- //echo "real_pos == from<br />";
- $hl = true;
- if ($line[$pos] == "<")
- {
- //echo "line[pos]+1 == <";
- $ignore_next = true;
- //$result.="<";
- //$pos++;
- //$intag=true;
- }
- else
- {
- //echo "adding hl_start<br />";
- $result.=$hl_start;
- }
- }
- if (($real_pos == $to))
- {
- $result.=$hl_end;
- $hl=false;
- }
- if (!$intag)
- {
- $real_pos++;
- }
- }
- }
- $result.=$line[$pos];
- if ($add_start)
- {
- $result.= $hl_start;
- $add_start = false;
- }
- //echo "($pos, $real_pos, ". (($intag) ? "true" : "false") .") ".htmlspecialchars($result)." <br />\n";
- $pos++;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function insert_highlight_old($line, $from, $to)
- {
- $soll = substr(strip_tags($line), $from, $to-$from);
- $result = '';
- $hl = false;
- $intag = false;
- $open = false;
- $start_after_endtag = false;
- //loop through chars
- $pos = 0;
- $real_pos = 0;
- $len = strlen($line);
- while ($pos < $len)
- {
- //echo "$pos || $real_pos || ". $line[$pos] . "<br />";
- if ((!$hl) && (!$intag) && ($real_pos == $from))
- {
- $result.= '<span class="highlight">';
- $hl = true;
- }
- if ($intag)
- {
- $result.=$line[$pos];
- if ($line[$pos] == '>')
- {
- $intag = false;
- if ($start_after_endtag)
- {
- $start_after_endtag = false;
- $result.='<span class="highlight">';
- }
- }
- }
- else //not intag
- {
- if ($line[$pos] == '<')
- {
- $intag = true;
- if ($line[$pos+1] == '/')
- {
- $open = false;
- if (($hl) && ($real_pos >= $from) && ($real_pos < $to))
- {
- $result.='</span>';
- $start_after_endtag = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $open = true;
- }
- $result.=$line[$pos];
- }
- else
- {
- $result.=$line[$pos];
- ++$real_pos;
- }
- if (($hl) && ($real_pos == $to))
- {
- $result.= '</span>';
- $hl = false;
- }
- }
- ++$pos;
- }
- if ($hl)
- {
- $result.= '</span>';
- }
- $result = str_replace('<span class="highlight"></span>', '', $result);
- echo "<pre>\n\n".htmlspecialchars($line). "\n". htmlspecialchars($result) ."\n</pre>";
- return $result;
- }
- function fill_line_array($s)
- {
- return explode("\n",trim($s));
- }
- function parse_code($language_data, $highlight_style)
- {
- $output_lines = array();
- //go through all lines
- //temp
- $cur_tag = '';
- $cur_end = '';
- $line_nr = 0;
- foreach($this->lines as $line)
- {
- $line_nr++;
- $add_lines = substr_count($line, "\n");
- //cut off right whitespace
- $line = rtrim($line);
- //replace tabs by 4 spaces
- $line = str_replace("\t"," ",$line);
- //manage highlights with or ##
- $highlight_line = false;
- if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '##')
- {
- $highlight_line = true;
- $line = substr($line, 2);
- }
- $highlight_part_a = array();
- $highlight_part = false;
- $highlight_count = 0;
- $pos = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- $pos = strpos($line, "", $pos);
- if ($pos === false)
- {
- if ((isset($highlight_part_a[$highlight_count-1]['START'])) && (!isset($highlight_part_a[$highlight_count-1]['END'])))
- {
- $highlight_part_a[$highlight_count-1]['END'] = strlen($line);
- }
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if ($highlight_part)
- {
- //end
- $highlight_part_a[$highlight_count-1]['END'] = $pos - 4 * $highlight_count + 2;
- }
- else
- {
- //start
- $highlight_part_a[$highlight_count]['START'] = $pos - 4 * $highlight_count;
- ++$highlight_count;
- }
- $highlight_part = !$highlight_part;
- ++$pos;
- }
- ++$pos;
- }
- if ($highlight_count)
- {
- $line = str_replace("","",$line);
- }
- $pos = 0;
- $output_line = '';
- if (!$cur_tag)
- {
- //find the first no whitespace character
- $pos = strlen($line) - strlen(ltrim($line));
- $output_line.= substr($line,0,$pos);
- }
- else
- {
- $end_pos = false;
- if ($cur_escape === false) {
- $end_pos = strpos($line, $cur_end);
- } else {
- $p = 0;
- $escape = $cur_escape;
- while ($p <= strlen($line)-strlen($end)) {
- if ($line[$p] == $escape) {
- $p+=2;
- continue;
- } elseif (substr($line, $p, strlen($end)) == $end) {
- $end_pos = $p;
- break;
- }
- $p++;
- }
- }
- if ($end_pos === false)
- {
- $output_line.= $highlight_style->create_styled_text($line , $cur_tag);
- $pos = strlen($line);
- //continue;
- }
- else
- {
- $pos = $end_pos+strlen($cur_end);
- $output_line.= $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, 0, $pos) , $cur_tag);
- $cur_tag = '';
- $cur_end = '';
- }
- }
- //temp strings
- $word = '';
- $endword = false;
- $add = '';
- //loop through remaining chars
- $len = strlen($line);
- while ($pos < $len)
- {
- $c = array();
- $c[0] = $line[$pos];
- for ($o = 1; ($o + $pos < $len) && ($o < 3); $o++ )
- {
- $c[$o] = $c[$o-1] . $line[$pos + $o];
- }
- /*if ((isset($c[1])) && ($c[1] == ''))
- {
- if ($highlight_part)
- {
- $highlight_part = false;
- //$word.= '</span>';
- }
- else
- {
- $highlight_part = true;
- //$word.= '<span class="highlight">';
- }
- $pos+=2;
- continue;
- }
- */
- $found = false;
- /* old way
- for ($c_pos = sizeof($c)-1; $c_pos >= 0; $c_pos--)
- {
- $cc = $c[$c_pos];
- if ($tag = $language_data->get_element_until_end_tag($cc))
- {
- $endword = true;
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, $pos) , $tag);
- $pos = strlen($line);
- $found = true;
- break;
- }
- elseif ($data = $language_data->get_element_start_to_end_tag($cc))
- {
- $tag = $data['TAG'];
- $end = $data['END'];
- $end_pos = strpos($line, $end, $pos + $c_pos + 1);
- if ($end_pos === false)
- {
- $endword = true;
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, $pos) , $tag);
- $pos = strlen($line);
- //save tag and end for next line
- $cur_tag = $tag;
- $cur_end = $end;
- }
- else
- {
- $endword = true;
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, $pos, $end_pos - $pos + strlen($end)) , $tag);
- $pos = $end_pos + $c_pos;
- }
- $found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- */
- //Altrenative : andersrum...
- if (isset($language_data->elements_until_end_first[$c[0]]))
- {
- $found_tag = '';
- $found_tag_len = 0;
- foreach ($language_data->elements_until_end_first[$c[0]] as $element => $tag)
- {
- $element_len = strlen($element)-1;
- if (isset($c[$element_len]) &&($element == $c[$element_len]))
- {
- if ($element_len >= $found_tag_len)
- {
- $found_tag = $tag;
- $found_tag_len = $element_len;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($found_tag != '')
- {
- $tag = $found_tag;
- $endword = true;
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, $pos) , $tag);
- $pos = strlen($line);
- $found = true;
- //break;
- }
- }
- if (!$found)
- {
- if (isset($language_data->elements_start_to_end_first[$c[0]]))
- {
- $found_tag = '';
- $found_data;
- $found_tag_len = 0;
- foreach ($language_data->elements_start_to_end_first[$c[0]] as $element => $data)
- {
- $element_len = strlen($element)-1;
- if (isset($c[$element_len]) &&($element == $c[$element_len]))
- {
- if ($element_len >= $found_tag_len)
- {
- $found_tag = $data['TAG']; //undefined variable tag?
- $found_data = $data;
- $found_tag_len = $element_len;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($found_tag != '')
- {
- $data = $found_data;
- $tag = $data['TAG'];
- $end = $data['END'];
- $end_pos = strpos($line, $end, $pos + $element_len + 1);
- if ($end_pos === false)
- {
- $endword = true;
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, $pos) , $tag);
- $pos = strlen($line);
- //save tag and end for next line
- $cur_tag = $tag;
- $cur_end = $end;
- $cur_escape = false;
- }
- else
- {
- $endword = true;
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, $pos, $end_pos - $pos + strlen($end)) , $tag);
- $pos = $end_pos + $element_len;
- }
- $found = true;
- //break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$found)
- {
- if (isset($language_data->elements_start_to_end_escape_first[$c[0]]))
- {
- $found_tag = '';
- $found_data;
- $found_tag_len = 0;
- foreach ($language_data->elements_start_to_end_escape_first[$c[0]] as $element => $data)
- {
- $element_len = strlen($element)-1;
- if (isset($c[$element_len]) &&($element == $c[$element_len]))
- {
- if ($element_len >= $found_tag_len)
- {
- $found_tag = $data['TAG']; //undefined variable tag?
- $found_data = $data;
- $found_tag_len = $element_len;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($found_tag != '')
- {
- $data = $found_data;
- $tag = $data['TAG'];
- $end = $data['END'];
- $escape = $data['ESCAPE'];
- $p = $pos+1;
- $end_pos = false;
- while ($p <= strlen($line)-strlen($end)) {
- if ($line[$p] == $escape) {
- $p+=2;
- continue;
- } elseif (substr($line, $p, strlen($end)) == $end) {
- $end_pos = $p;
- break;
- }
- $p++;
- }
- //$end_pos = strpos($line, $end, $pos + $element_len + 1);
- if ($end_pos === false)
- {
- $endword = true;
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, $pos) , $tag);
- $pos = strlen($line);
- //save tag and end for next line
- $cur_tag = $tag;
- $cur_end = $end;
- $cur_escape = $escape;
- }
- else
- {
- $endword = true;
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text(substr($line, $pos, $end_pos - $pos + strlen($end)) , $tag);
- $pos = $end_pos + $element_len;
- }
- $found = true;
- //break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$found)
- {
- if ($tag = $language_data->get_element_in_array_tag($c[0]))
- {
- $add = $highlight_style->create_styled_text($c[0], $tag);
- $endword = true;
- }
- elseif ($language_data->is_delimiter($c[0]))
- {
- $add = $c[0];
- $endword = true;
- }
- }
- if (!$endword)
- {
- $word.= $c[0];
- }
- else
- { //endword
- if ($word != '')
- {
- if ($tag = $language_data->get_element_in_array_tag($word))
- {
- $output_line.= $highlight_style->create_styled_text($word, $tag);
- }
- elseif ($tag = $language_data->get_element_regexp_tag($word))
- {
- $output_line.= $highlight_style->create_styled_text($word, $tag);
- }
- else
- {
- $output_line.= $word;
- }
- }
- $endword = false;
- $word = '';
- }
- if ($add != '')
- {
- $output_line.= $add;
- $add = '';
- }
- //----
- ++$pos;
- }
- if ($word != '') //REST
- {
- if ($tag = $language_data->get_element_in_array_tag($word))
- {
- $output_line.= $highlight_style->create_styled_text($word, $tag);
- }
- elseif ($tag = $language_data->get_element_regexp_tag($word))
- {
- $output_line.= $highlight_style->create_styled_text($word, $tag);
- }
- else
- {
- $output_line.= $word;
- }
- $word = '';
- }
- if ($output_line == "")
- {
- $output_line = " ";
- }
- if ($highlight_line)
- {
- $output_line = $highlight_style->create_styled_text_raw($output_line,"HIGHLIGHT_LINE");//"<li class='highlight_line'>$output_line</li>";
- }
- else
- {
- $output_line = $highlight_style->create_styled_text_raw($output_line,"NORMAL_LINE");//"<li class='normal_line' style=''>$output_line</li>";
- }
- foreach ($highlight_part_a as $x)
- {
- $output_line = $this->insert_highlight($output_line, $x['START'], $x['END']);
- }
- if (($add_lines > 0) && (trim($line) == "!!!FIRSTLINE-SKIPTHIS!!!")) {
- // dirty hack, i hat me for doing it^^
- $output_line = '';
- }
- for ($i=0; $i < $add_lines; $i++)
- {
- $output_line.=$highlight_style->create_styled_text_raw($line_nr,"NULL_LINE");//"\n<li value='$line_nr' class='nullline'></li>";
- }
- $output_lines[] = $output_line;
- }
- $output = '';
- foreach ($output_lines as $output_line)
- {
- $output.="$output_line\n";
- }
- $output=$highlight_style->create_styled_text_raw($output,"BLOCK");
- return $output;
- //return $output_lines;
- }
- }
- /*
- //test
- $test =
- '
- 123456789abcdefghijklmn
- //! library CSSafety
- //******************************************************************************************
- //*
- //* CSSafety 14.5
- //* ��������
- //*
- //* Utilities to make things safer. Currently this simply includes a timer recycling
- //* Stack. Once you replace CreateTimer with NewTimer and DestroyTimer with ReleaseTimer
- //* you no longer have to care about setting timers to null nor about timer related issues
- //* with the handle index stack.
- //*
- //******************************************************************************************
- //==========================================================================================
- globals
- private timer array T
- private integer N = 0
- endglobals
- //==========================================================================================
- function NewTimer takes nothing returns timer
- if (N==0) then
- return CreateTimer()
- endif
- set N=N-1
- return T[N]
- endfunction
- //==========================================================================================
- function ReleaseTimer takes timer t returns nothing
- call PauseTimer(t)
- if (N==8191) then
- debug call BJDebugMsg("Warning: Timer stack is full, destroying timer!!")
- //stack is full, the map already has much more troubles than the chance of bug
- call DestroyTimer(t)
- else
- set T[N]=t
- set N=N+1
- endif
- endfunction
- //! endlibrary
- ';
- $time = microtime(1);
- $ld = new languagedata();
- $ld->load_array($language_data);
- //$ld->debug_print();
- echo "languagedata init in ".(microtime(1)-$time)." secs<br />" ;
- $time = microtime(1);
- $hs = new highlightstyle();
- $hs->load_array($style_data);
- echo "highlightstyle init in ".(microtime(1)-$time)." secs<br />" ;
- $lines = array(
- 'function f$oo$ takes nothing returns string ',
- ' local integer i = 0.8 //comment
- ',
- ' return "Hallo, das
- ',
- ' ist ein String',
- ' der �ber mehrere ',
- ' Zeilen geht." ',
- 'endfunction //comment'
- );
- //$ch = new codehighlighter(fill_line_array($test));
- $ch = new codehighlighter($lines);
- $time = microtime(1);
- $ch->parse_code($ld, $hs);
- echo "parsing done in ".(microtime(1)-$time)." secs<br />" ;
- */
- class easycodehighlighter
- {
- var $language_id;
- var $style_id;
- var $language_name;
- var $code;
- var $output;
- var $code_css;
- var $language = false;
- var $format_script;
- function fill_line_array($s)
- {
- return explode("\n",$s);
- }
- function strip_markup($s)
- {
- return str_replace('##', '', str_replace('', '', $s));
- }
- function easycodehighlighter($input, $default_lang, $language_id = null, $style_id = null, $format_output = false)
- {
- $this->code = $input;
- $output_lines = '';
- $this->language = false;
- if ($language_id != null)
- {
- //try to load language
- $query = 'SELECT data, defaultstyle, `id`, `name` FROM languages WHERE `id` = "'.$language_id.'";';
- $this->language = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
- }
- if (!$this->language)
- {
- //load default language
- $query = 'SELECT data, defaultstyle, `id`, `name` FROM languages WHERE `name` = "'.$default_lang.'";';
- $this->language = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
- }
- if ($this->language)
- {
- $this->language_id = $this->language['id'];
- $this->format_script = 'format_'.$this->language['name'].'.php';
- if (file_exists($this->format_script) != '')
- {
- if ($format_output)
- {
- require_once('format_'.$this->language['name'].'.php');
- //$my_jass_formater = new jass_formater();
- eval('$my_formater = new '.$this->language['name'].'_formater();');
- $this->code = $my_formater->format($this->strip_markup($this->code),true,true);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->format_script = null;
- }
- $code_lines = null;
- if (is_array($this->code))
- {
- $code_lines = $this->code;
- }
- else
- {
- $code_lines = $this->fill_line_array($this->code);
- }
- eval('$language_data = array('.$this->language['data'].');');
- $ld = new languagedata();
- $ld->load_array($language_data);
- //$style_id = 0;
- $style = null;
- $cssdata = null;
- if ($style_id)
- {
- $query = 'SELECT data, cssdata FROM styles WHERE `id` = "'.$style_id.'";';
- $style = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
- if (!$style)
- {
- $style_id = 0;
- }
- $cssdata = $style['cssdata'];
- $style = $style['data'];
- }
- if ($style_id == 0)
- {
- //load default value of language
- $style_id = $this->language['defaultstyle'];
- $query = 'SELECT data, cssdata FROM styles WHERE `id` = "'.$style_id.'";';
- $style = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
- $cssdata = $style['cssdata'];
- $style = $style['data'];
- }
- $this->code_css = code_css($cssdata);
- $this->style_id = $style_id;
- eval('$style_data = array('.$style.');');
- $hs = new highlightstyle();
- $hs->load_array($style_data);
- $ch = new codehighlighter($code_lines);
- $output = $ch->parse_code($ld, $hs);
- }
- else
- { //no language definend
- $this->language_id = 0;
- $code_lines = fill_line_array($this->code);
- $output='<textarea>';
- for($i=0;$i<sizeof($code_lines);$i++)
- {
- $output_lines[$i] = "".$code_lines[$i]."\n";
- }
- $output='</textarea>';
- }
- $this->output = $output;
- }
- }
- ?>
select language
select style
goto line: