- <?
- require_once('common.php');
- require_once('compare2.php');
- require_once('codehighlighter.php');
- require_once('code_css.php');
- //main template
- $smarty->assign('main_template', 'comparer.tpl');
- //title
- $pageTitle = 'Compare Code: Online Diff Tool';
- $additional_headers = array();
- $additional_headers[] = '<script>
- function update_a()
- {
- var a = document.getElementById("a");
- var b = document.getElementById("b");
- b.scrollTop = a.scrollTop;
- b.scrollLeft = a.scrollLeft;
- }
- function update_b()
- {
- var a = document.getElementById("a");
- var b = document.getElementById("b");
- a.scrollTop = b.scrollTop;
- a.scrollLeft = b.scrollLeft;
- }
- </script>';
- function strip_markup($s)
- {
- return str_replace('##', '', str_replace('', '', $s));
- }
- $s1 = null;
- $s2 = null;
- $default_lang1 = null;
- $default_lang2 = null;
- if ((isset($_GET['id1'])) && (isset($_GET['id2'])))
- {
- //echo code_css();
- $id1 = intval($_GET['id1']);
- $id2 = intval($_GET['id2']);
- $orderby = ($id1 > $id2) ? 'ORDER BY `id` DESC' : 'ORDER BY `id` ASC';
- $query = 'SELECT *
- FROM `mapping_nopaste_jass`
- WHERE `key` LIKE ""
- AND (`id` = "'.$id1.'" OR `id` = "'.$id2.'")
- '.$orderby.';';
- $data = mysql_query($query, $mysqlconnection);
- echo mysql_error();
- $row = mysql_fetch_array($data);
- $s1 = strip_markup($row['jass_code']);
- $default_lang1 = $row['codetype'];
- $row = mysql_fetch_array($data);
- $s2 = strip_markup($row['jass_code']);
- $default_lang2 = $row['codetype'];
- }
- else if ((isset($_POST['code1'])) && (isset($_POST['code2'])))
- {
- $s1 = $_POST['code1'];
- $s2 = $_POST['code2'];
- $default_lang1 = $default_lang2 = $_POST['lang'];
- if ($_POST['save'])
- {
- $query = 'SELECT `id` as x FROM `mapping_nopaste_jass` ORDER BY `id` DESC;';
- $count = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query, $mysqlconnection));
- $id = $count['x'] + 1;
- $code_type = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lang']);
- //remember to check this value later
- //check value
- $query = 'SELECT name FROM languages WHERE `name` = "'.$code_type.'";';
- $row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($query));
- if (isset($row['name']) && ($row['name'] != $code_type))
- {
- die('unbekannte Sprache.');
- }
- $code = unescape_string($s1);
- $code = str_replace("<", "<", $code);
- $code = str_replace(">", ">", $code);
- $query = 'INSERT INTO
- `mapping_nopaste_jass` (`id`, `jass_code`, `datum`, `userid`, `codetype` )
- VALUES ("'.$id.'", "'.escape_string($code).'", NOW(), "'.session_get_userid_secure().'", "'.$code_type.'")
- ';
- $temp = mysql_query($query, $mysqlconnection);
- echo mysql_error();
- $id++;
- $code = unescape_string($s2);
- $code = str_replace("<", "<", $code);
- $code = str_replace(">", ">", $code);
- $query = 'INSERT INTO
- `mapping_nopaste_jass` (`id`, `jass_code`, `datum`, `userid`, `codetype` )
- VALUES ("'.$id.'", "'.escape_string($code).'", NOW(), "'.session_get_userid_secure().'", "'.$code_type.'")
- ';
- $temp = mysql_query($query, $mysqlconnection);
- echo mysql_error();
- $additional_headers[] ='<script>document.location="comparer.php?id1='.($id-1).'&id2='.$id.'";</script>';
- $s1 = $s2 = null;
- $smarty->assign('id1', $id -1);
- $smarty->assign('id2', $id);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $query = 'SELECT name FROM languages;';
- $data = mysql_query($query);
- $languages = array();
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($data))
- {
- $languages[] = $row['name'];
- }
- $smarty->assign('languages', $languages);
- }
- if (($s1) && ($s2))
- {
- $lines1 = fill_line_array($s1);
- $lines2 = fill_line_array($s2);
- $linearray_comparer = new linearraycomparer($lines1, $lines2);
- $Alines1 = $linearray_comparer->make_same_lines_same_height(0);
- $Alines2 = $linearray_comparer->make_same_lines_same_height(1);
- $Blines1 = array();
- $Blines1_pos = 0;
- $Blines2 = array();
- $Blines2_pos = 0;
- $lineComparerInvocations = 0;
- for ($i = 0; $i < max(sizeof($Alines1),sizeof($Alines2)); ++$i)
- {
- if (!isset($Alines1[$i])) $Alines1[$i] = "";
- if (!isset($Alines2[$i])) $Alines2[$i] = "";
- $line1 = unescape_string(($Alines1[$i]));
- $line2 = unescape_string(($Alines2[$i]));
- //$bg1 = ' bgcolor="#90ff60"';
- //$bg2 = ' bgcolor="#90ff60"';
- ++$Blines1_pos;
- ++$Blines2_pos;
- if ($line1 != $line2)
- {
- if ($line1 == "////////////////")
- {
- //$bg1 = ' bgcolor="#CCccCC"';
- --$Blines1_pos;
- if (!(isset($Blines1[$Blines1_pos]))) {
- if ($Blines1_pos > 0) {
- $Blines1[$Blines1_pos] = '';
- } else {
- // dirty hack, i hat me for doing it^^
- $Blines1[$Blines1_pos] = '!!!FIRSTLINE-SKIPTHIS!!!';
- }
- }
- $line1 = $Blines1[$Blines1_pos]."\n";
- $line2 = "##".$line2; // mark added line yellow
- //$Blines1[$Blines1_pos].="\n";
- }
- elseif ($line2 == "////////////////")
- {
- //$bg2 = ' bgcolor="#CCccCC"';
- --$Blines2_pos;
- if (!(isset($Blines2[$Blines2_pos]))) {
- if ($Blines2_pos > 0) {
- $Blines2[$Blines2_pos] = '';
- } else {
- // dirty hack, i hat me for doing it^^
- $Blines2[$Blines2_pos] = '!!!FIRSTLINE-SKIPTHIS!!!';
- }
- }
- $line2 = $Blines2[$Blines2_pos]."\n";
- $line1 = "##".$line1; // mark added line yellow
- //$Blines2[$Blines2_pos].="\n";
- }
- else
- {
- //$bg1 = ' bgcolor="#ffff66"';
- //$bg2 = ' bgcolor="#ffff66"';
- if ($lineComparerInvocations < 100) {
- $line_comparer = new linecomparer($line1, $line2);
- $line1 = "##".$line_comparer->markup_string_difference(0, "" , "");
- $line2 = "##".$line_comparer->markup_string_difference(1, "", "");
- $lineComparerInvocations ++;
- } else {
- // TOO many differences, just highlight the lines
- $line1 = "##".$line1;
- $line2 = "##".$line2;
- }
- }
- }
- //if (!(($line1 == $line2) && ($line1 == "////////////////")))
- if (($line1 != $line2) || ($line1 != "////////////////"))
- {
- $Blines1[$Blines1_pos] = $line1;
- $Blines2[$Blines2_pos] = $line2;
- }
- }
- /*
- include('language_data_jass.php');
- $ld = new languagedata();
- $ld->load_array($language_data);
- include('style_data_html.php');
- $hs = new highlightstyle();
- $hs->load_array($style_data);
- $ch1 = new codehighlighter($Blines1);
- $ch2 = new codehighlighter($Blines2);
- $output_lines1 = $ch1->parse_code($ld, $hs);
- $output_lines2 = $ch2->parse_code($ld, $hs);
- */
- $ech1 = new easycodehighlighter($Blines1, $default_lang1);
- $ech2 = new easycodehighlighter($Blines2, $default_lang2);
- $additional_headers[] = $ech1->code_css;
- $output_lines1 = $ech1->output;
- $output_lines2 = $ech2->output;
- $output_lines1 = str_replace('class="codebox"', 'class="codebox" style="position:absolute;width:49%;left:0px;margin-left:5px;height:500px;" id="a" onscroll="update_a();"', $output_lines1);
- $output_lines2 = str_replace('class="codebox"', 'class="codebox" style="position:absolute;width:49%;right:0px;margin-right:5px;height:500px;" id="b" onscroll="update_b();"', $output_lines2);
- $smarty->assign('output_lines1', $output_lines1);
- $smarty->assign('output_lines2', $output_lines2);
- }
- finish($smarty, "comparer.tpl", $additional_headers)
- ?>
select language
select style
goto line: